Regional Office, Faridabad,
Regional Office, Faridabad,

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Instructions / Circulars / Orders

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21 REgional Office,Faridabad 22-10-2024 हरियाणा क्षेत्र की उच्च क्षेणी लिपिक की वर्ष 2021, वर्ष 2022 और’ वर्ष 2023 की अनंतिम Provisional पदक्रम व वरिष्ठता सूचीPDF icon size:(752.61 KB) .
2024-10-22 18530/2024
22 Regional Office, Faridabad 22-10-2024 हरियाणा क्षेत्र की उच्च क्षेणी लिपिक की वर्ष 2019 और वर्ष 2020 की संशोधित पदक्रम व वरिष्ठता सूचीPDF icon size:(510.39 KB) .
2024-10-22 18529/2024
23 Regional Office, Faridabad 15-10-2024 Office Order No 173 of 2024PDF icon size:(1.23 MB) .
2024-10-15 18486/2024
24 Regional Office, Faridabad 15-10-2024 Office Order No 170 of 2024PDF icon size:(95.20 KB) .
2024-10-15 18485/2024
25 Regional Office, Faridabad 10-10-2024 हरियाणा क्षेत्र की बहु कार्य स्टाफ MTS की वर्ष 2016-17, वर्ष 2017-18, वर्ष 2018, वर्ष 2019 व वर्ष 2020 की अंतिम Final पदक्रमवरिष्ठता सूची ।PDF icon size:(687.16 KB) .
2024-10-10 18463/2024
26 Regional Office, Faridabad 10-10-2024 हरियाणा क्षेत्र की बहु कार्य स्टाफ MTS की वर्ष 2012-13, वर्ष 2013-15, वर्ष 2015-16 की पदक्रमवरिष्ठता सूची के ‘क्रम’ में शुद्धि बारे।PDF icon size:(7.79 MB) .
2024-10-10 18462/2024
27 Regional Office, Faridabad 09-08-2024 Office Order No 133 of 2024PDF icon size:(147.22 KB) .
2024-08-09 17855/2024
28 Regional Office, Faridabad 05-08-2024 Office Order No 129 of 2024PDF icon size:(175.20 KB) .
2024-08-05 17797/2024
29 Regional Office, Faridabad 18-07-2024 Regarding strict directions to officials to refrain from Union Activities during office hours and to refrain from attending mass gathering without prior permission of the Competent Authority unauthorized absence of the concerned officials from office working desk for longer durations without being on official tours or for the official purposes in mid of the office timingsworking hoursduring office hours without permission of the Competent Authority.PDF icon size:(155.38 KB) .
2024-07-18 17595/2024
30 Regional Office, Faridabad 18-07-2024 Office Order No 122 of 2024PDF icon size:(1.13 MB) .
2024-07-18 17594/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-03-13



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  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
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  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
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  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
