Regional Office, Faridabad,
Regional Office, Faridabad,

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1 Regional Office, Faridabad English Press Note For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Jagadhri Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_796848 size:(514.23 KB)
Hindi Press Note For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Jagadhri (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id: 2024_ESIC_796848 size:(618.69 KB)
EOI For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Jagadhri (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id: 2024_ESIC_796848 size:(3.23 MB)
BOQ For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Jagadhri (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id: 2024_ESIC_796848 size:(445.43 KB)
2024-07-08 Others 11771/2024
2 Regional Office, Faridabad English Press Note for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Panipat Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_796845 size:(514.23 KB)
Hindi Press Note for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Panipat Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_796845 size:(618.69 KB)
EOI for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Panipat Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_796845 size:(3.23 MB)
BOQ for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Panipat Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_796845 size:(387.96 KB)
2024-07-08 Others 11770/2024
3 Regional Office, Faridabad English Press Note For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Bhiwani Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_796851 size:(514.23 KB)
Hindi Press Note for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Bhiwani (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id: 2024_ESIC_796851 size:(618.69 KB)
EOI For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Bhiwani (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis.Tender Id: 2024_ESIC_796851 size:(3.23 MB)
BOQ For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIS Hospital, Bhiwani (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis.Tender Id: 2024_ESIC_796851 size:(390.98 KB)
2024-07-08 Others 11769/2024
4 Regional Office, Faridabad Public Notice For Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIC Regional Office Sec-16, Faridabad Haryana and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024 ESIC 813212 size:(211.78 KB)
EOI for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIC Regional Office Sec-16, Faridabad (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024 ESIC 813212) size:(1.39 MB)
BOQ for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESIC Regional Office Sec-16, Faridabad (Haryana) and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024 ESIC 813212) size:(389.41 KB)
2024-06-25 Others 11681/2024
5 Regional Office, Faridabad Public Notice for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESI Hospital, Sec-08, Faridabad Haryanaand its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis.Tender Id _2024 ESIC_813140 size:(211.78 KB)
EOI FOR Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESI Hospital, Sec-08, Faridabad (Haryana)and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024_ESIC_813140 size:(1.46 MB)
BOQ for Annual Repair and Maintenance of buildings, Services and Operation / Maintenance of Equipment’s and Plants in the ESI Hospital, Sec-08, Faridabad (Haryana)and its attached Dispensaries, Branch Offices, Staff Quarters, etc. as per Annexure III, of the Region / State of Haryana for Lump sum Services Charges / Centage Charges on Deposit Work basis. Tender Id 2024 ESIC 813140) size:(390.56 KB)
2024-06-25 Others 11680/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-11



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  • 2. "Grievance Detail"के तहत "Others/Not Listed/Not Known" का चयन करें
  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
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  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
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